Five Rivers Friends
Monthly Meeting
~expectant waiting~
When you attend a meeting for worship on First Day, here is what you can expect: Upon entering you may sit anywhere you like. Both children and adults begin silent in worship; within ten-or-so minutes children usually depart to participate in First Day School lessons and activities. Often a parent of a young Friend will go out with the child to be sure he or she is settled, and then return to worship.
Our worship is based on a 350-year-old practice of waiting quietly with the expectation that we may experience and power of the Holy Spirit among us. We “settle in” quietly and calmly, mindful but not distracted by movements around us. Those who are inspired to speak may do so for to hear. Others, upon hearing the message, do not comment, but process the words in the context of their own meditation.
When the hour is over, an appointed Friend will break the silence by shaking hands with the friends seated left and right. Introductions and announcements follow, and then Friends join for fellowship accompanied by a light lunch.